Acupuncture Background and Training

ABOUT: Daniel L. Altschuler, EAMP., Ph.D. began studying the art of Chinese Medicine in 1992 in Taiwan under the master physician, Dr. Lee Chen-Yr. He worked and studied in the clinic as an apprentice while researching classic medical texts in their original Chinese language.

Daniel earned the distinguished honor of becoming an assistant to Dr. Lee where he interviewed and helped treat patients. He also trained new students and taught numerous classes around Taiwan at universities, medical colleges and community centers.

Before returning to the United States in 2006, Daniel earned a PhD in Chinese Medicine at the Guangzhou College of Chinese Medicine in mainland China where he studied the effects of Chinese herbs on hepatic cancer.

Currently Daniel lives in Seattle and teaches at the Seattle Institute of Oriental Medicine (SIOM) and Bastyr Universities in addition to maintaining a private practice. He has extensive experience in Chinese medicine and acupuncture for back pain as well as many other acute and chronic ailments.